Krusty's Last Gasp Intro
Tapped Out Quest Information
Krusty's Last Gasp Intro is an event-exclusive quest in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the Krusty's Last Gasp Online content update.
After starting the update
The Clown Guild made me fire my agent. So, you get to be the guy who acts shocked if the show ever gets cancelled.
The show’s cancelled.
What?! My show! This is worse than being totally broke.
You’re totally broke.
I say this as your lawyer guy, tax guy, points guy, and… your only-friend-left guy:
Cut the crap, get to work, and turn your life around.
You pierced through my thin-skinned show biz narcissism and reached me in a way my agent never could.
I will turn my life around!
Task: "Make Krusty Think of His Options". The job takes place at a Krusty Burger and takes 6 seconds.
Turning your life around is exhausting.
Hey kids! How do people make money in 2019?
My dad charges myPhones in front of concert exits.
No, the real money is in ViewTube.
Look, Maggie's watching one of those dumb songs right now.
*suck* *suck*
Observe. While she sits, the ViewTuber rakes in that sweet, sweet ad revenue.
*click* *click*
And clicks are worth more than gold.
I can come up with dumb songs people will click on!
Quest reward: 100 and 10