Lost in La Monstra
Tapped Out Quest Information
Lost in La Monstra is an event-exclusive questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the Treehouse of Horror XXVII content update.
Pt. 1
After tapping on Homer's exclamation mark
Those monster actors are real jerks.
Just because they're better actors than me doesn't make them better actors than me.
Some stars get by without being good actors. Like the way Meryl Streep sang in “Mamma Mia”.
Great idea! No one is better at being the center of unwanted attention than me. The only acting teacher I need is getting drunk to the point of foolish decisions!
Task: "Make Homer Defeat a Giant Monster". The job takes place at a Giant Monster and takes 4 hours.
Quest reward: 40/ 40/ 40 and 10
Pt. 2
After tapping on Filmmaker Lisa's exclamation mark
Now that I'm a filmmaker, who should I style myself after? Kurosawa? Fellini? The not-crappy Spielberg films?
Hey Lisa, did you film me when I used socks as oven mitts to put a can of gravy in the microwave and it exploded? Then I used the socks as napkins and bandages.
I guess I'll be whoever directed the “Jackass” films.
I love those! One guy snorted wasabi!
Task: "Make Filmmaker Lisa Experiment with Film Styles". The job takes place at the Simpson House and takes 4 hours.
Quest reward: 40/ 40/ 40 and 10
Pt. 3
After tapping on Filmmaker Lisa's exclamation mark
Dad! You keep walking into my shot!
Do I? Or is the camera drawn to me like a magnet to… uh whatever magnets are drawn to? Is it cardboard?
It's metal. And it's you walking into my shot.
I'm pretty sure both of those are wrong. Now, film me as I fight this pile of scales! You know I've broken every scale I've ever met.
Task: "Make Filmmaker Lisa Set Up a Complicated Shot". The job takes place at the Simpson House and takes 12 hours.
Quest reward: 40/ 40/ 40 and 10
Pt. 4
After tapping on Krusty's exclamation mark
You people are supposed to be believably fighting these monsters but your acting is horrible. You know what I'm seeing die? Art.
Who cares? I don't do art. I do comedy – it's way easier and pays better.
I've seen your show. There's not a lot of comedy. Even the canned laughter sounds unsure what it's playing for.
How about trying to learn some stunt acting? Do it and I'll keep all your houseplants alive a week longer than planned.
Task: "Make Krusty Take a Stunt Acting Class". The job takes place at the MAG Office and takes 12 hours.
Quest reward: 40/ 40/ 40 and 10
Pt. 5
After tapping on Homer's exclamation mark
I've been fighting all day and I'm still not a world famous superstar! I don't endorse a Japanese cologne or anything.
Maybe that's because you're chasing the camera instead of fighting?
How about joining us and helping the Hollywood monsters fight? Any religious person knows that supporting Hollywood is always the right choice!
Forget that. I just need better representation. My agent is Jewish, but he's not Jewish enough.
Task: "Make Homer Get Some New Headshots". The job takes place at a Kwik-E-Mart and takes 4 hours.
Quest reward: 40/ 40/ 40 and 10
Pt. 6
After tapping on Filmmaker Lisa's exclamation mark
I'm halfway through editing this and it's a disaster.
Not even a monsters attacking people disaster, which I want, but a bland mush with no emotional core.
I'm not giving up. With new footage it'll come together, or fall apart to the point I can tell people it's an art film and that they “just don't get it".
Task: "Make Filmmaker Lisa Shoot Some Pick-ups". The job takes place at the Simpson House and takes 24 hours.
The story will continue in Act 2. Keep fighting monsters and trick-or-treating to get more prizes and level up your MAG membership!
Quest reward: 40/ 40/ 40 and 10
Pt. 7
After starting Act 2 and tapping on Filmmaker Lisa's exclamation mark
This film isn't working and I'm running out of money. Why didn't I take the easy route and make a film based on a comic book?
There are, ah, government grants for art projects like yours, you know. I know because I'm in government.
Really? What do I need to qualify?
Let me take care of that. No one knows how to take government money better than me. Repeat that and I'll have you arrested.
With a budget, I can save my movie with special effects. Or at least make a trailer that draws in and then disappoints audiences. Just like M. Night Shyamalan!
Task: "Make Filmmaker Lisa Invest in New Technology". The job takes place at the Simpson House and takes 8 hours.
Quest reward: 40/ 40 and 10
Pt. 8
After tapping on Homer's exclamation mark
Hey! Who got water all over my bar stool?
It's not water. It's amphibian ooze. I have a medical problem, okay?
Hey, we all do. Every time I go through a subway turnstile, I get stuck and the fire department has to come cut me out.
Let me get you a towel. I'd use Moe's bar rag if it wasn't for all the hepatitis. See? Even it has a medical problem.
Task: "Make Homer Get Lenny a Towel". The job takes place at Moe's Tavern or a Brown House and takes 12 hours.
Quest reward: 40/ 40 and 10
Pt. 9
After tapping on Filmmaker Lisa's exclamation mark
Even though our town is being ravaged by monsters, I am the only Mayor that is fit to see us through it.
Just like I saw us through my ballot box-stuffing scandal, my bribery scandal, and another of my scandals you'll hear about next week.
I'm getting kind of sick of all those monsters. That fish guy made a huge mess at Moe's this afternoon. That's Barney's thing.
Another Springfield job taken by these monsters. I say we throw them all out! Zero amnesty! Make Springfield great again!
Task: "Make Springfielders Consider Their Options" (x4). The jobs take place at a Brown House and take 4 hours. Task: "Battle 3 Giant Monsters".
Quest reward: 40/ 40 and 10
Pt. 10
After tapping on Krusty's exclamation mark
Man, what a day. I got scratches on my scalp and teeth marks on my tuchus and it wasn't even Mr. Teeny's bath time.
I'm injured and all people care about are those Hollywood monsters. I know that's redundant, but still, fun to say.
Somebody ought to kick them fellers right outta town.
I didn't say me. I said “somebody”.
Task: "Make Cletus Get Real Quiet". The job takes place at a Brown House and takes 24 hours.
Quest reward: 40/ 40 and 10
Pt. 11
After tapping on Homer's exclamation mark
You know, I'm a pretty positive guy, but this training sucks!
Between running lines and weapons training, I ain't got time for my hobby: angry stewing.
Well, without it, the monsters would overrun the town and kill all of you.
So we're trapped? Next break we get, I'm gonna stew about that. Stew about it good.
Task: "Make Filmmaker Lisa Catch Conflicts on Camera". The job takes place at the Simpson House and takes 12 hours.
Quest reward: 40/ 40 and 10
Pt. 12
After tapping on Filmmaker Lisa's exclamation mark
Mayor Quimby! We've done something terrible!
I wish you were the first person to say that to me today. Could you be, ah, more specific?
My film and your anti-monster campaign have started racial tensions in the town!
Instead of racial tensions, I'd call it rejuvenating Springfield pride.
Making bad things sound positive is a Mayor's job. Like how we called last year's hurricane “city-wide street sweeping”.
Task: "Make Filmmaker Lisa Reconsider Her Film Plans". The job takes place at the Simpson House and takes 8 hours.
The story will conclude in Act 3. Fight monsters and trick-or-treat to win more prizes and show these savages who's boss!
Quest reward: 40/ 40 and 10