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Sasha Reed is a former student of Springfield High School and a sales associate at Sephora.
When Marge was in high school, the school put on a performance of Y2K: The Millennium Bug, which Sasha Reed was the star of. Sasha was popular and supposedly had a big career ahead of her. During high school, Sasha hooked up with Barney Gumble, although Barney thought he had dreamed that. After she left high school, Sasha moved to New York City to perform in plays and musicals. However, she couldn't get acting jobs and ended up working at Sephora, a makeup shop.
After Franklin Chase, the theater teacher of Springfield High School, died, Marge put on another performance of Y2K: The Millennium Bug. She contacted the original cast, including Sasha, who returned to perform the musical. Sasha told everyone that she had become a big star and had performed in many musicals and plays. The rest of the cast loved Sasha and Marge felt excluded by them. Blaming Sasha for this, Marge dug into Sasha's life and found out that Sasha had lied about her career and that she really just worked at a makeup shop...
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