Forum:Merchandise merge
I know that I was fully behind the creation of the merchandise wiki, but based on the results, I think it would be best for the wiki that we move it back here.
Firstly, the moving process never took off. We still have 557 articles that have to be moved. The merchandise wiki only has 314 articles, most of which were originally created.
Secondly, visitor wise it has done better than the other sister wikis, but it only averages about 30 visitors a day. Though this is fairly significant in context, I think we’ll get more views if it moves back.
As for moving it back, we could use a merchandise namespace, but I think it would still work perfectly well to just leave them in the main space. We would also keep the wide range that the merchandise wiki currently covers. It will also solve problems on interlinking and redirecting.
Anyway, discuss away, ask away, e.t.c., e.t.c.
--Cook879 15:57, 1 January 2012 (EST)
I think it would be best to merge the merchandise wiki into the main wiki, but should be used under namespace "Merchandise". Also, I debated the idea of namespaces to do with the type of merchandise, "DVD", "T-shirt" etc., but I received negative reviews on it. It would help with those link things if all articles were moved back to the main wiki (under the namespace, etc.), would it would be a bit difficult to imput those categories. Maybe somehow, the wiki IS in the main wiki, and has its own logo, with the toolbar and things, and with its own category index, and different user ranks (with me as admin/crat...) But maybe not. Still we could keep the categories and it will have its own big parent category: "Merchandise" (merged from "Category:Merchandise categories"). The sub-domain still intact, we could put a message saying "Thank you for visiting Wik-E-Mart. You will be redirected to the main site immediately, or if you want to stay click here." [etc. etc.] "This wiki has been implanted back into the main wiki, and is here for historial[?] purposes," and would maybe keep the user pages intact for historial reference (?). So, I'm saying that we should have a vote to whether the merchandise wiki should stay intact on a subdomain or not. If there is a poll, add me to "MOVE TO MAIN WIKI" (I know I'm the head of the merch. wiki though, ...). Phinbart - just one of the huge Bart fans! 17:03, 1 January 2012 (EST)