Not Enough (Moral) Fiber
Tapped Out Quest Information
Not Enough (Moral) Fiber is a temporary questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the "Days of Future Future" episode tie-in content update.
Pt. 1
After starting the update
So hungry... haven't had... eating job... in days.
If you're hungry, how about an apple? You could probably grow some at Cletus's farm.
I said I'm hungry, not peckish. The idea that you can satisfy your hunger by eating a piece of fruit is complete nonsense.
It's just one of those things grown-ups tell kids to do, but don't actually do themselves...
| brushing your teeth before bed, or reading instead of watching TV, or practicing safe sex.
What about thank-you cards?
I haven't written one since I was eleven.
Also, don't play video games. And don't mindlessly do whatever you're told.
Task: "Reach Level 7 and Build a Krusty Burger". Task: "Make Homer Eat at Krusty Burger". The job takes place at a Krusty Burger and takes 30 minutes.
What's going on? And who's that fat guy lying on the pavement who looks a lot like me...
...but obviously isn't because I'm transparent and hovering over him?
That's you, Homer. You've had a heart attack, causing your spirit to leave your body.
Oh yeah? Well, if I'm just a spirit, how come you can talk to me?
Because I'm just a spirit too. You killed me, Homer. Don't you remember?
Eh, I kill a lot of people -- Frank Grimes, Shary Bobbins, that trucker who ate too much steak. It gets hard to keep track.
And if you're not careful, soon you'll kill yourself.
You mean I get a second chance? Woo-hoo! There were still so many things on Earth I never got a chance to eat.
No Homer, that's why I've appeared to you. You need to mend your gluttonous ways. Otherwise...
The next time you binge, it will be the GRAVE for you!!!
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 2
After tapping on Homer's exclamation mark
I can't believe I'm being haunted... again. We've really been going to the ghost well a lot lately.
But Maude is the worst ghost of them all... because she's making me watch what I eat!
Maybe I can get Flanders to reason with her. After all, there's no one a woman is more likely to listen to than her recently remarried ex-husband.
Task: "Make Homer Ask For Ned's Help". The job takes place at Flanders House, requires Ned, and takes 60 minutes.
How-diddily-ho-diddiliy-hi-there-dilly neighboreen--
Shut up, Flanders!
I need your help. Maude is haunting me and I need your help to get her off my back.
You're good at driving her away. Remember that one time when you drove her away from the world by killing her?
Actually Homer, that was you.
Right, right. Why do I keep forgetting that?
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 3
After tapping on Ned's exclamation mark
You know Homer, maybe this spooking is just the wake-up call you need to turn your diet around.
You want to live to see your kids grow up, don't you?
Of course... if that ever actually happens. In the meantime, I'll do what I can to watch my eating.
That's the spirit!
Task: "Make Homer Eat Everything in Ned's House". The job takes place at Flanders House and takes 12 hours.
I warned you this would happen if you continued to over-eat. And now...
It's the GRAVE for you!
A free decoration has been placed in your inventory linked to this Sunday's Episode of The Simpsons, 8/7c on FOX!
Quest reward: 100 and 10 Homer's Grave
Pt. 4
After tapping on Homer's exclamation mark
Hang on a minute. I'm not dead. What's going on here?
Well... I'm just a ghost. I can scare you and try to get you to mend your ways... but I can't actually kill you. Union rules.
So what was that whole grave thing about?
Well, I said it would be the grave for you, and I had to honor my promise. More rules – they're a really serious union.
But let me make one thing clear. If you over-eat again in the future, it will once again be the GRAVE for you.
By which you mean, you'll put another decoration in my inventory?
That's right.
So you're telling me that instead of dying a horrible painful death from over-eating, I get a FREE grave EACH time I do it?
I... uh... guess. Where are you going with this Homer?
Homer - WooHoo
Woo-hoo! Out of my imaginary way, Maude! I'm going to eat like a Midwesterner!
Make Homer gorge himself on stolen food to earn free graves. Hurry, it all ends midnight on Saturday!
Task: "Make Homer Raid Random Fridges" (x9). The job takes place at Visitable Homes and takes 7 hours.
Each line of the following dialogue has a random chance of happening upon completion of the job each time. Each time, the player is rewarded with another Homer's Grave.
Shame on you, Homer! I'm punishing you with this complimentary grave!
Woohoo! Another free grave to add to my already outrageous collection!
You disgust me in death even more than you did in life. Have another free grave!
Hate the heart attacks -- love the graves!
How many graves does one man need? Usually the answer is one.
Getting to over-eat is its own reward. The grave is just gravy.
Do you know how hard it is to deliver all these graves when you don't have a body?
If I had a grave for every time I ate too much... oh wait, I do!
Enough with the graves! I've got other people to haunt already!
I'd dance on your grave, but there's just too many of them. And I can't dance when floating.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 5
After tapping on Homer's exclamation mark
Homer, I give up. This haunting has accomplished absolutely nothing. If anything, it's only made you fatter.
Yes, thank you.
The good news is the time limit on my haunting contract with you is done.
I may not have been able to kill you, but you're doing a fine job of that yourself. I'll see you soon!
Task: "Make Homer Raid Another Random Fridge". The job takes place at a Visitable Home and takes 7 hours.
What? No more graves?
Quest reward: 200 and 20