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Country Information
Romania is one of the Balkan countries in Europe.
The historical region of Transylvania (associated with vampires because of the Count Dracula legend) is within modern-day Romania.
According to an NPR boradcast, director Mladzieul Klernt won the Romanian Film Festival's prestigious "Golden Bucket".[1]
Romania's flag is seen at the 2010 Winter Olympics.[2]
The Monroe family have a book from Romania.[3]
Characters implied to be from Romania
Dr. Velimirovic speaks with an Eastern European accent and "Great Ceaușescu's ghost!" seems to be a favorite expression of his. Ceaușescu was the country's head of state until he was deposed and executed in 1989, so the phrase implies that Velimirovic may be from Romania and/or received his medical training there.[4]
The script notes for gymnastics instructor Lugash read 'thick Romanian accent.[5] Romanian has been known for its success in women's gymnastics.
Episode – "Krusty Gets Busted" (mentioned)
Episode – "Thirty Minutes Over Tokyo" (Transylvania mentioned)
Episode – "Home Away from Homer" (mentioned)
Episode – "Boy Meets Curl" (Flag seen)
THOH – "Treehouse of Horror XXI"
Episode – "The Girl on the Bus" (name seen)
Comic story – The Immigration of the Body Snatchers (mentioned)
Book – Bart Simpson's Guide to Life (mentioned)