The Man Who Knew Too Little
Tapped Out Quest Information
The Man Who Knew Too Little is an event-exclusive questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the Secret Agents content update.
Pt. 1
After starting the update
Hey, look at this classified ad for the Arcturus Modelling Agency. I'm a shoo in!
"Seeking fat, middle-aged, bald man with background in nuclear safety". Dad, don't you think this ad is suspiciously targeted at you?
Just because I have one of those things -- a background in nuclear safety?
Also, since when do we get the newspaper? When does ANYONE get the paper?
Well, I can't ignore a tiny ad in a dead paper. I'm off to catch my big break!
Task: "Make Homer Try Out for the Modelling Gig". The job takes place at a Brown House and takes 6 seconds.
V'elcome, Mr. Simpson. Vee have been expecting you.
How did you know vy name?!
How many Mr. Simpsons can there be in the world?
You don't have to answer that.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 2
After completing Pt. 1
So what kind of nude modelling is this?
No one said anything about nude: please put your pants back on.
Come with me, Mr. Simpson. We must get you in hair and makeup.
Good luck improving on this beefcake.
Mmm... beef cake.
Task: "Make Homer Go to Hair and Makeup". The job takes place at a Brown House and takes 6 seconds.
Not that I'm not into it, but what's with all the restraints?
Silence! Focus on the screen. Soon you will find yourself hypnotized against your own government...
Death to the G-men!
I haven't started the hypnosis yet.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 3
After completing Pt. 2
Hair and muzzle makeup wasn't so hard – I don't see what all those models are complaining about.
Homer, you must initiate Project Lazarus. Gather minions and form your own superpower.
Oh, no! I've developed a judgmental inner voice, like all models!
The voice you hear is coming from the headset we gave you.
I THOUGHT you were different from the voices I usually hear.
Task: "Make Homer Gather Minions". The job takes place at a Brown House and takes 6 seconds. Task: "Trick Springfielders Into Being Brainwashed" (x3). The jobs take place at a Brown House and take 6 seconds.
Well done. Now we will brainwash the masses into hating their own government.
Way ahead of you, creepy voice. I already told people postage stamps were going up two cents.
The masses are collecting pitchforks and lighting torches now.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Characters that can do the task are:
Pt. 4
After completing Pt. 3
It's time to establish a base of operations: somewhere to conduct our various acts of subterfuge.
How 'bout Krusty Burger? They've got free WiFi and a new seven-patty burger, called the Widowmaker. It makes funerals fun again!
This will be a brand new state-of-the-art facility, not some slop factory. I've set up an account for you with near-unlimited funds.
Thanks, but I'll just get Sky Finger to pay for it.
Task: "Build the Agency Headquarters". It takes 6 seconds. Task: "Send Agents to Collect Intel on the Widowmaker" (x3). The jobs take place at the Agency Headquarters and take 4 hours.
Pt. 5
After completing Pt. 4
You've done well, Homer. I think it's time we met. Look behind you.
A talking car?! I knew they were real!
No, Homer, over here.
Mr. Scorpio? I thought you... you know... died.
You can't kill an idea, Homer – just break many of its bones, collapse some of its organs and force it into hiding. But I'm back, and I want you to be my number two.
A fella always dreams of meeting a number one who needs a number two!
Task: "Tap the Men in Tan" (x10).
Look out, Martin Shkreli! I'll be back on top of Forbes Most Evil Employers list in a heartbeat.
They just call that "Top CEOs" now.
Quest reward: 100/ 100/ 100 and 10
Pt. 6
After completing Pt. 5
The key to any intelligence agency is the intelligence: you've got to have more eyes than Mississippi.
That would be four. We'll need more than that.
Willie can hide cameras everywhere and watch 'em all from me custodian's closet.
I appreciate the disturbing offer, but we need to think bigger. I'm talking global positioning satellite levels of peeping tomfoolery.
In my day, we used to just root through people's garbage.
Hey, you're talkin' about my home there!
Task: "Build the Surveillance Post". Task: "Launch the Drone Scan".
Uh oh, I think I broke something.
What, that flash? Drones have a tendency to overload like that.
Lucky for us, it also wipes the memory of anyone who looks at it and sends them packing.
You did cover your eyes for that, didn't you?
Um... what answer doesn't make me look stupid...?
Quest reward: 100/ 100/ 100 and 10
Pt. 7
After completing Pretty Fly for a WiFi
We're wasting too much time and energy on putting out fires.
So we should be starting fires?
When the heat is on, one needs to be a master of disguise and hide in plain sight.
Way ahead of you.
Take that off, Homer.
Homer who? I'm Admiral Troutpuncher of Her Majesty's Royal Navy.
Oh, brother.
Reward: 40
Task: "Build the Hidden Research Facility". It takes 6 seconds. Task: "Spend Schematics on Research".
From here, we can construct an arsenal of everyday items, that are secretly something else.
Like that toilet in your office that's also a water fountain.
My office doesn't have a toilet.
Quest reward: 500/ 500/ 500 and 50
Behind the Laughter
The quest name is a reference to the Alfred Hitchcock film The Man Who Knew Too Much.